Hang-outs and Headlines
Hang-outs and Headlines
Welcome to Hang-Outs and Headlines! The media suggests and shapes our understanding of the news items that fill our days (and our social media timelines) – sometimes fairly and sometimes quite unfairly.
Richard Hoeg

SI or... AI? | Sports Illustrated Creates Literal Fake News (H&H 12-1-23)

Dec 1, 2023 • 47 mins

In this episode, Richard Hoeg discusses a range of topics, starting with YouTube interactions and tech issues. The conversation then moves towards AI in journalism, the interplay of law, technology, and politics. The audience also gets an insight into the podcast's evolution, gaming challenges, the transition to a new studio setup, and the use of AI in Sports Illustrated. The episode concludes with updates on scheduling and the introduction of PodcastAI.

Key Points

  • The episode discusses artificial intelligence's role in content creation and the ethical considerations of AI-generated articles in the context of Sports Illustrated using an AI vendor for editorial content.
  • Richard Hoeg plans to utilize new AI tools like podcast AI to enhance the channel's content management and distribution, including updating podcast descriptions and chapter stops efficiently.
  • Due to technical difficulties with the backup computer, the episode was cut short and focused more on hangouts with the community rather than an in-depth discussion on AI and legal issues.
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